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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results: 

Proficient Reading: 27% | Distinguished Reading: 19% | Proficient Math: 33% | Distinguished Math: 9%

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 39% 20% 30% 26%
Middle 34% 10% 29% 18%
High 34% 12% 37% 13%

Principal's Message

Dr. Donnie Combs 
MMS Principal 


Welcome to Meece Middle School!


           Meece Middle School is the only middle school in the Somerset Independent School District.  We adhere to the mission of the Somerset Independent schools to create, implement, and maintain an environment, which encourages all students to reach their fullest potential in school and in life.


            Meece Middle School is home to 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. We offer all basic core academic classes as well as accelerated math, science in all grades and accelerated English in the 8th grade.  Our student elective classes include physical education, band, art, music, business and marketing careers, PLVS, and many more sub domains of career developing content.  The staff at Meece Middle School is dedicated to providing a rigorous curriculum in a student-centered, caring environment that enables all students to become productive citizens prepared to lead and serve in our community.  


            Meece Middle School holds true to the strong traditions and pride of the Somerset Independent School District.  With our strong focus on academics, we also provide the student body with various extracurricular activities including interscholastic athletics for all grades:  archery, dance, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, soccer, track, cross-country, cheerleading, golf and trap team.  Students may choose to participate in STLP, drama, academic teams, student council, technology teams, First Priority, GLOW, John Sherman Cooper Leadership program, STAR Student Program, over 20 additional career development clubs intentionally designed to target the specific needs and wants to our student body.  


            Meece Middle School would like to invite you to our school where the students’ best interest is always our top priority.  We are challenging students to succeed academically by providing them with learning opportunities that will allow them to understand and apply learned knowledge so that they can maximize their academic potential.  If you have any questions, please stop by or call the school.  Thank you and Go Meece Jumpers!



Dr. Donnie R. Combs


Meece Middle School